Monday, August 16, 2010

Lifted High

Another day in the hospital! I was told that I couldn't eat or drink anything after 12 am last night for a liquid gastric emptying "sometime" today. LOL. That sounds promising right? So I was wheeled down there and swallowed nuclear apple juice and got scanned after 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 hour and a half. Whew. Definitely not invasive but sort of time consuming. I saw the dr. today and he's still singing the same tune. Not really wanting to place another g-j tube. Grrrr. We'll see what the test says. Oh yeah, after I'm down there the tech tells me the longest I should have to go without eating or drinking is 4 hours. Hahaha. Good stuff. I went about 12. Tomorrow morning I'll do the solid gastric emptying which is done with nuclear eggs. Exciting indeed! Ron's good friend Tommy is doing an event for me at the LongBranch on September 5th. I'm definitely going just to mainly be there because it's being done for me. I'll probably speak on stage after all the excitement. Should be a fun time. Weird with no drinking but it's not good for me anyway. Yesterday was kind of a down day. I ate a marvelous breakfast (eggs, potatoes, cheese biscuits, AND tomato gravy) only to throw it up later in the day. I felt defeated and trapped in this room. I wouldn't take calls or text people back. I'm lots better today though. Smiles and all! Just had a wonderful conversation with the social worker. He's pretty chill. My doc informed me today that I'll get one more day of IV's then I'm off until the next flair up!! Hopefully it will be longer this time. Now if we could just figure out the tube issue, we'd be golden. Mostly, I just want to be home. My feeding tube is no longer giving me pain and I'm willing to go through another placement. I think my dad is trying to visit tonight :) I'll keep updating as news is available. Also, I'm posting a picture of my super heroes that are fundraising for me. Love you all.

My team of Super Heroes!!!


  1. Blessings on you.....I'm sure it is hard, but you sound like such a strong person.....

    Hoping it will all work out and you'll be back home real soon.


  2. April,
    I just found your comment on my blog!!! So happy you are at Duke. You definitely can't do better than their tx team! They have been my family for 9 years now. :) Zaas was actually a fellow when I was waiting for my lung tx, and he took care of me a lot. Palmer is my regular doc since I started out with him in 2001. So, I saw where you need to gain some weight and get your rehab in. Does this mean you are not listed at the time? Not really familiar with the "new" allocation system. Maybe we could meet up sometime when I'm out there for an appt. It's sometime in Sept. I'll have to look. I will be praying that you gain some much needed pounds. I remember that struggle all too well. Ughh! Hang in there girl, and if you ever have questions or just need to vent, email me at :)

  3. Thank you so much Beth! Working on getting released at the moment.

    I am NOT currently listed but going through all the testing for it. I've done just about all the tests for it. Maybe like 2 left or something. Once listed, the average wait is about 11-19 days. Crazy huh?? I've met Palmer but think I've yet to meet Zaas. I'm getting another g-j tube placed sometime soon, maybe tomorrow. Back on the road to weight gain. I have a ton of nausea all the time due to my stomach not working properly but we're working to fix that as well. So glad you saw my comment!! I would def love to meet up :) Let me know when you'll be around. I live in Raleigh so Durham isn't far at all. Thanks for writing back!
