Thursday, July 9, 2009


Whew, man last week was BUSY. This week is pretty much the opposite. Haven't been doing too much. Tuesday I hung out with Traci for a bit. We went to Target and I decided to go ahead and replenish my dwindling make-up supply. See, I'm so pale no one ever really has a shade light enough to blend flawlessly with my skin. So Traci and I are both looking determinedly for something that just MAY work and we come across this......transparent. NO JOKE. We both started laughing hysterically. I mean, I've made plenty of jokes before about being so light I'm "see-through" but this was crazy. All I could think to say in response was "Well, vampires are soooo in this year." Which lead to a new nickname for me....Twilight, haha. If you had walked by and seen us....2 women on the floor in the make-up aisle cracking up. Ridiculous. Needless to say, Transparent worked really well with my color, DUHHH.

Target CorporationImage via Wikipedia

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